We help you navigate with intention to skillfully get you where you want to go.

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Full Meal Deal
Comprehensive Plan
We are here when you need us. This package is designed to create ease for everyone. We guide you through the process while in high school and ready you for the college experience when it’s time to fly. There are significant advantages to starting early, but we can begin at any time.
A la Carte
Block Plan
Designed for independent, self-motivated students who will benefit from limited guidance throughout the college search and application process. The plan includes eight meetings throughout junior and senior years. Customizable from the “deets” list below.
Fashionably late to the party?
Seniors Only
We've got you covered.
Take a look at the Block Plan. Essay and Application review
available at an hourly rate.
The Deets
Personality assessment and career exploration - Inviting the student to gain an understanding of how they learn and move through the world sets them up to better know what they want in a college setting. Through assessments and exploration we help students look inward so they can engage outwardly with confidence.
Academic and extracurricular planning - We evaluate academics and assist with course selection. We take a look at extracurricular choices and interests to ensure a healthy balance of doing what you love with an eye towards the future.
Testing timeline and prep recommendations - We keep you informed on the ever changing testing landscape and advise on a manageable test schedule and test prep options.
College list development - Through discussion, we learn about goals and dreams for college. We accompany that with an in depth look at how colleges differ from one another and what they offer, all leading to an initial list of schools to begin exploring.
Hands-on research instruction - With your initial list we take a deep dive -- navigating university websites to learn about the individual schools, resulting in a well-rounded list of schools that match the students' desires.
Organizational support - We help students stay on track with organizational tools and support to ensure application deadlines are met in a timely fashion.
Application Assistance - We guide our students through electronic applications and review each one to ensure they are complete and accurate.
Essay coaching - Essays are a complex element in the admissions process. We shepherd students through this key component of the multiple college essays they are required to write. We encourage students to demonstrate their character, values and intellect.
Financial aid and scholarship - We help families understand how financial aid works, what’s involved and when it’s due.
College tours & interview prep - Touring gives students insight into campus life and the many different types of college settings. We advise on trip planning, what to pay attention to while on campus and what questions to ask. We also conduct mock interviews when appropriate.
Letters of Recommendation - We assist students in when, who and how to ask for letters of rec, as well as how to submit when the time comes.
Athletes & Artists - We offer specific task identification and general guidance. Students are recommended to work with coaches and portfolio mentors as well.
Final decisions - We’re here for you through the home stretch! Providing support with the final college decision, including deciphering financial aid award letters.